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Frank is a San Francisco-based producer and production manager. He works on feature-length films, documentaries, and television commercials. He began is career as a production assistant with Francis Coppola's American Zoetrope Studios, where he learned his craft on the productions of "Apocalypse Now", "The Black Stallion", "Hammett" and "Rumble Fish". He has been the production manager on 2 projects for LucasFilms, "Ewoks: The Battle for Endor" and "Tiger Tales".


His production experience has enabled him to produce or manage the debut features for many new independent film directors. Some of these include Terry Zwigoff's "Louie Bluie", "Nina Takes a Lover" and the film festival hit "Dream With the Fishes". Frank's more credits also include work on "Star Wars: Phantom Menace", Ang Lee's "The Hulk", "X-Men III", "The Last Stand", and Nina Lesher's "Scary Cows".

Senior Vice President & Producer of Dream 2 Destiny Films
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